I hold the title of Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (Queens College, CUNY) and Distinguished Professor of European Languages and Literatures. My research interests lie in literature, cinema, semiotics, interpretation theory, and cultural studies.
I have divided my intellectual work evenly between Italian and Italian/American studies, authoring sixteen books and more than one hundred essays circa on both subject areas in English and Italian.
You may contact me either via email on the right side of this page or by phone. If I am not available, I promise to get back to you in a timely fashion.
L’argomento del giorno...
The topic of the day — "l'argomento del giorno" — Frankly, there are too many topics of the day about Italian and Italian diaspora studies, especially throughout CUNY.
With regard to the relationship between Italian and Italian diasporic (read, also, ”Italian American”) Studies, a number of us find it intriguing, to say the least, that just about all programs in ”Italian Studies” within the U.S. have totally ignored the topic of the Italian diaspora as it pertains to the United States.
In these past few years we have seen new graduate programs in ”Italian Studies” spring up around the country, all of them touting a certain interdisciplinarity. Of course, what is a glaring absence is any reference to the Italian diaspora and its impact on the United States. This is not all that unexpected, given that in Italy itself, large-scale establishment references to the diaspora are far and few in between. But things seem to be changing.
The irony in all of this is that Italian/American studies and Italian Diaspora studies cannot find a home in any PhD program within The City University of New York. Only at the departmental level at Queens College can somoene study Italian/American studies at the graduate — read, MA — level. Nowhere else in CUNY is this possible.
It is, in the end, a question of "Biculturalismo negato" —> "Biculturalismo Denied" by the very people who should support it most!
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Of more recent events! See my piece on Indro Montanelli on the site, La voce di New York, accessible here on the last page..
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Che maialate!
Much more in the future!
Cav. Anthony Julian Tamburri, Ph.D.
Dean, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY
Distinguished Professor of European Languages and Literatures
Cavaliere dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana