Authored Books
• A Politics of [Self-]Omission: The Italian/American Challenge in A Post-George Floyd Age. Rome: Aracne, 2022.
• Italian Diaspora Studies and the University: Professional Development, Curricular Matters, Cultural Philanthropy. New York: Bordighera Press, 2022.
• The Columbus Affair. Imperatives for an Itaian/American Agenda. New Fairfield, CT: Casa Lago Press, 2021. pp. 110.
“Anthony Tamburri's The Columbus Affair tackles the Christopher Columbus trilogy (man, myth and legend) spiritually,
culturally, and historically. He contextually navigates the ancient world and the modern one to help inform his readers about
the historical Columbus as well as the fictional one that serves as both hero and villain. A true Columbus, he argues, lies
outside of our 21st century imaginations.”
—Leslie Wilson, Professor of History & Associate Dean, Montclair State University
• Signing Italian/American Cinema: A More Focused Look. Glenside, PA: Ovunque Siamo Press, 2021.
“Whether you study the form, teach cinema or watch for enjoyment, there is a rich garden of ideas in these essays that will
challenge and delight you. Dr. Tamburri is one of the leading Italian American voices of our times. You will savor this collection.
It’s an intellectual Moviola by a man who knows movies.”
—Adriana Trigiani
“[Tamburri's] work employs the concentration of a neurosurgeon with the precision of a guided missile as he dissects, shatters
and reexamines such films as the well-known and well-loved Big Night and not as well- known but equally beguiling Dinner
Rush. Culture matters and his explanations of these films plus the classic Nuovomondo and the iconic Mean Streets makes you
want to screen them a second and a third time.”
—Richard Vetere
• Un biculturalismo negato. La letteratura "italiana" negli Stati Uniti. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, 2018. Listen to the presentation on September 25, 2018.
• Scrittori italiano[-]americani: trattino sì trattino no. Mantova: MnM Print Edizioni, 2018.
• Re-reading Italian Americana: Generalities and Specificities on Literature and Criticism. Italian Studies Series. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2014. Pp. 186; paperback 2015.
“A few times—a very few times—in a generation, a work of literary and cultural scholarship, critical analysis, and winning
polemic comes along that we confidently describe as a landmark in the field. For many reasons, Re-Reading Italian
Americana qualifies for the honor. It is unique in its accessibility of presentation without sacrifice of precision and complexity,
and tough in its call for Italian Americans to get involved, stop the cheerleading and sentimentality, and contribute.”
—Frank Lentricchia
• Re-viewing Italian Americana: Generalities and Specificities on Cinema. Bordighera P, 2011. Pp. 176.
• Una semiotica dell’etnicità. Nuove segnalature per la scrittura italiano/americana. Franco Cesati Editore, 2010. Pp. 178.
• Narrare altrove: diverse segnalature letterarie. Strumenti di letteratura 15. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, 2007. Pp. 110 (A. Palazzeschi, Giorgio de Chirico, Dacia Maraini, Massimo Griffo, Sandro Veronesi).
• Introducing Italian Americana: a bilingual forum, co-author with P. Giordano and F. Gardaphè. New York: Bordighera P, 2006. Pp. 89.
• Una semiotica della ri-lettura: Guido Gozzano, Aldo Palazzeschi, e Italo Calvino. Franco Cesati Editore, 2003. Pp. 115.
• Semiotics of Re-reading: Guido Gozzano, Aldo Palazzeschi, and Italo Calvino. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2003. Pp. 135.
• Italian/American Short Films & Videos: A Semiotic Reading. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2002. ebook and print edition. Pp. 130.
• A Semiotic of Re-reading: Italo Calvino’s “Snow Job.” New Haven, CT: Chancery P, 1999. Pp. 80.
• A Semiotic of Ethnicity: In (Re)cognition of the Italian/American Writer. Albany, NY: SUNY P, 1998. Pp. 176.
• A Reconsideration of Aldo Palazzeschi’s Poetry (1905-1974): Revisiting the “Saltimbanco.” Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1998. Pp. 160.
• Per una lettura retrospettiva. Prose giovanili di Aldo Palazzeschi. Stony Brook, NY: Gradiva, 1994. Pp. 126.
• To Hyphenate or not to Hyphenate: the Italian/American Writer: Or, An Other American? Montreal: Guernica Editions, 1991. Pp. 60.
• Of Saltimbanchi and Incendiari: Aldo Palazzeschi and Avant-Gardism in Italy. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1990. Pp. 229.
Journal Articles
• “Il Controfigura di Luigi Fontanella: un divertimento desiderato e una ri-considerazione di paradigmi” Studi Italiani 70.2 (2024): 177-183.
• “Italian Americans and African Americans 50 Years Later: What Might We Do?” TILCA. Teaching Italian Language and Culture Annual (2023): 55-64.
• “Italian Diasporic Studies: The Then and Now.” Diasporic Italy 1 (2022): 10-16.
• “Una bibliografia della scrittura italiana negli Stai Uniti: seconda parte, gli anni successivi” Studi Italiani 66.1 (2022): 121-134.
• “Observations on Why Promotors of Italian American Culture Need to Know More: The Italian/American Experience of Religion,” Journal of Religion & Society 24 (2022): 1-8. Online.
• “Luigi Fontanella: A Narration of Poetry” Italica 98.4 (2021): 975-799.
• “Una bibliografia della scrittura italiana negli Stai Uniti: i primi anni” Studi Italiani 65.1 (2021): 123-134.
• Co-authored with Paolo Giordano. “’Il miglior fabbro’: In Memory of Joseph Tusiani” Italica 98.1 (2021): 5-9.
• “La diacriticità e lo scrittore italiano/americano: Il trattino come confine linguistico e l’”intelligibilità reciproca” in Christ in Concrete (1939) di Pietro di Donato,” Campi immaginabili 62-63 (2020): 363-389.
Book Chapters
• “Re-considering Michael Corleone’s Tie: Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather and the Rhetoric of Antinomy.” In Anthony Julian Tamburri, ed. Re-Thinking The Godfather 50 Years Later. New York: Bordighera Press, 2024. 167-188.
• “What the Italian/American Community Can Learn Today from Leonard Covello’s Writings of Yesteryear.” In Educazione migrante tra passato, presente e future. A. Cagnolati, D. Chirico, C. Petruzzi, A.J. Tamburri, eds. Bologna: Clueb, 2024. 25-33.
• “’Facts that Suit’ Us? Italian Americans and A Politics of [Self-]Omission” in Ricostruire: i luoghi di memoria nelle Americhe. Guido Baggio et al., eds. New York: Bordighera Press, 2023.
• “L’America non esiste di Antonio Monda: una semiotica della migrazione” in Daniela D’Eugenio, Alberto Gelmi, Dario Marcucci, eds. ITALIA, ITALIE. Studi in onore di Hermann W. Haller. Milan: Mimesis, 2021. 71-86.
• “Gianna Patriarca: Identity in Language” as “Preface to Gianna Patriarca, This Way Home: Selected and New Work. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2021. ix-xx.